Missouri Map

Iowa Valley Scenic Byway

70 miles (112 km)
Allow about 4 hours to tour this byway.


This byway meanders across the Iowa River Valley in east central Iowa. It encompasses the historic Amana Colonies that are known today for their fine craftsmanship and excellent German-style restaurants. These seven villages formed a communal society in the 1850's, most of the settlers being members of the same religious sect from Germany. The sect was known as the Community of True Inspiration and was one of the most successful communal societies in history. Now, the Amana Colonies exhibit remnants of a fascinating cultural heritage.

Tourism Resources

Points of Interest

Points of Interest Along The Way

Amana Colonies (IA)

Visit the Amana Colonies to take a step back in time. Chat with artisans as you browse their wares, dine on hearty German food, or learn more about the history of the colonies at one of the many museums.


70 miles (112 km)
Allow about 4 hours to tour this byway.
Main Roads:
IA-212 E

Map + Directions

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